{# /** * @file * Default theme implementation for webform submission information. * * Available variables: * - serial: The serial number of the submission entity. * - sid: The ID of the submission entity. * - uuid: The UUID of the submission entity. * - token: A secure token used to look up a submission. * - uri: The URI the user submitted the webform. * - created: The time that the submission was first saved. * - completed: The time that the submission was completed. * - changed: The time that the submission was saved. * - in_draft: Is this a draft of the submission? * - current_page: The current wizard page. * - remote_addr: The IP address of the user that submitted the webform. * - submitted_by: The user that submitted the webform. * - submitted_to: Link to the submission's URI. * - langcode: The submission language code. * - locked: A flag that indicates a locked submission. * - sticky: A flag that indicate the status of the submission. * - notes: Administrative notes about the submission. * - webform: The associated webform. * - token_update: The tokenize URL used to update the submission. * - delete: Link to delete the submission. * * @see template_preprocess_webform_submission_information() * * @ingroup themeable */ #} {% if submissions_view %}
{{ 'Submission Number'|t }}: {{ serial }}
{{ 'Submission ID'|t }}: {{ sid }}
{{ 'Submission UUID'|t }}: {{ uuid }}
{% if uri %}
{{ 'Submission URI'|t }}: {{ uri }}
{% endif %} {% if token_update %}
{{ 'Submission Update'|t }}: {{ token_update }}
{% endif %}
{{ 'Created'|t }}: {{ created }}
{{ 'Completed'|t }}: {{ completed }}
{{ 'Changed'|t }}: {{ changed }}

{{ 'Remote IP address'|t }}: {{ remote_addr }}
{{ 'Submitted by'|t }}: {{ submitted_by }}
{{ 'Language'|t }}: {{ language }}

{{ 'Is draft'|t }}: {{ is_draft }}
{% if current_page %}
{{ 'Current page'|t }}: {{ current_page }}
{% endif %}
{{ 'Webform'|t }}: {{ webform }}
{% if submitted_to %}
{{ 'Submitted to'|t }}: {{ submitted_to }}
{% endif %} {% if sticky or locked or notes %}
{% if sticky %}
{{ 'Flagged'|t }}: {{ sticky }}
{% endif %} {% if locked %}
{{ 'Locked'|t }}: {{ locked }}
{% endif %} {% if notes %}
{{ 'Notes'|t }}:
{{ notes }}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% else %}
{{ 'Submission Number'|t }}: {{ serial }}
{{ 'Created'|t }}: {{ created }}
{% endif %} {% if delete %}
{{ delete }}
{% endif %}