{# /** * @file * Default theme implementation for a summary of a webform action handler. * * Available variables: * - settings: The current configuration for this debug handler. * - handler: The action handler. * * @ingroup themeable */ #} {% if settings.debug %}{{ 'Debugging is enabled'|t }}
{% endif %} {% if settings.lock is not null %}{{ 'Lock:'|t }} {{ settings.lock ? 'Locked'|t : 'Unlocked'|t }}
{% endif %} {% if settings.sticky is not null %}{{ 'Status:'|t }} {{ settings.sticky ? 'Flag/Star'|t : 'Unflag/Unstar'|t }}
{% endif %} {% if settings.notes %}{{ 'Notes:'|t }} {{ settings.notes }}
{% endif %} {% if settings.message %}{{ 'Message:'|t }} {{ settings.message }} ({{ settings.message_type }})
{% endif %} {% if settings.data %}{{ 'Data (keys):'|t }} {{ settings.data|join('; ') }}
{% endif %} {{ 'Execute when:'|t }} {{ settings.states|join('; ') }}