{# /** * @file * Default theme implementation to format the simplenews newsletter footer. * * Copy this file in your theme directory to create a custom themed footer. * Rename it to simplenews-newsletter-footer--[newsletter-id].tpl.php to override it for a * newsletter using the newsletter id. * * @todo Update the available variables. * Available variables: * - $build: Array as expected by render() * - $build['#node']: The $node object * - $language: language code * - $key: email key [node|test] * - $format: newsletter format [plain|html] * - $unsubscribe_text: unsubscribe text * - $test_message: test message warning message * - $simplenews_theme: path to the configured simplenews theme * * Available tokens: * - [simplenews-subscriber:unsubscribe-url]: unsubscribe url to be used as link * * Other available tokens can be found on the node edit form when token.module * is installed. * * @see template_preprocess_simplenews_newsletter_footer() */ #} {% if not opt_out_hidden %} {{ format }} {% if format == 'html' %} {% else %} -- {{ unsubscribe_text }} : [simplenews-subscriber:unsubscribe-url] {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if key == 'test' %} - - - {{ test_message }} - - - {% endif %}